Monday, August 4, 2008

Hi Everyone!

It's been again about a month since my last e-mail, and I have had another lifetime of experiences since then. After working at a summer camp in town for 2nd graders, my Bulgarian skills have improved because of the necessity to know commands like "repeat!" "sit down" "be quiet" and other ways to keep their attention. At the same time, I helped coach my first Bulgarian baseball game in excruciating noon heat, so I think my team will be eager to play again (but at a more reasonable time of day).

A few weeks after that I helped out at an international English camp in a city on the Black Sea, which was an exhausting great time. The students were very enthusiastic, and I gained experience teaching the oldest students. I got to know my collegues better and I know that I can count on them for Bulgarian questions and intercultural support.

I've seen a lot of Bulgaria in the past few days because from the Black Sea I went to the capital city where I had to have my yearly check-up. I miss the rolling hills and the mountains in the center and west, and there's still so much of this country that I want to get to know.

I'm establishing a good relationship with my next-door neighbor, whose husband is sick. She's always going back and forth to the hospital to visit him. It makes all of the little challenges that we go through seem much less serious when keeping health in perspective. I hope everyone back home is doing well and I think about you often.

The pictures above are from the camp that I worked at, and the activities are as follows:
Me with the director after the talent show, my students presenting about the greenhouse effect at the eco night, the Mr. and Miss Camp competition talent section where contestants had to dance on a piece of paper and fold it in half and dance again and again-a hilarious Romanian game, the make-up contest, and the sunrise on the Black Sea.

Write me back!


Jeanette said...

Hey Emily, it's good to hear you're doing well. What's up with the mold? I hope that gets taken care of soon. We miss you here. Mitch is hanging in there. He'll start chemo again in the next few weeks.

Your Mom and I haven't been walking as much as we'd like to and my body is showing it!

Nate broke his ankle and tibia and had surgery last week. He's in a cast and unable to work right now. He's up visiting which is nice for Mitch.

Keep safe! Now that I have your blog, I'll check in often.


Elif Özcan said...

hi emilyyyyyyyy..... I'm elif. Did you remember me?? I miss u too. we have gone for the camp in bulgaria since 2008. They were speaking with the telephone..We were corresponding..But , one day you moved to the america.. I lost your adress and lost your telephone number.. You haven't got a facebook. I saw the blog address today. I'm happy :)) please answer me. I'm waiting

Elif Özcan said...

Emily..??? please write me.. I'm waiting. I lost you adress and your telephone :'( my adress is Did you send me e-mail? I'm waiting.. please.. I miss u too.. see you

Elif Özcan said...

Emilyyyyy:) are u there??